April 25, 2025
Novosibirsk time zone, GMT+7

The Fourth Workshop on
«Domination Theory and its Applications»

The workshop is organized by the Mathematical Center in Akademgorodok, which is located at Novosibirsk State University in Russia.

Our aim
Domination is one of the most significant topics in graph theory due to its enormous applications in various fields and real-life problems. Many variations of domination are also introduced and studied by several researchers, and over 5000 papers have already been published in this field. The main goal of the Workshop is to embrace recent results in developing Domination Theory.


All events will take place on April 25 2025. Timezone: UTC+7
15:45–16:00 — Opening Ceremony

Invited Speakers

16:00 — Boštjan Brešar, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Talk: Domination games on graphs: the case of Isolation game

17:00 — Sandi Klavžar, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
Talk: Maker-Breaker domination game

18:00 — Vadim Lozin, University of Warwick, UK
Talk: Satisfiability via domination in graphs

19:00 — Juan Carlos Valenzuela Tripodoro, University of Cadiz, Spain
Talk: Constrained mutual-visibility in graphs: A distance-based approach

20:00 — Florent Foucaud, Université Clermont Auvergne, France
Talk: Domination-based identification problems in graphs

21:00 — Martin Milanič, University of Primorska, Slovenia
Talk: Young domination on Hamming rectangles

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Hamidreza Golmohammadi